ЁЯТА Ayodhya Ram Mandir Scam: Beware of Fake ‘VIP Entry’ & ‘Prasad’ Offers on Jan 22

Major Highlights

ЁЯЪи Ayodhya Ram Mandir WhatsApp Scam Alert ЁЯЪи

– Cybercriminals are scamming devotees by offering free VIP entry and prasad to the Ram Mandir ceremony.
– Scammers are luring devotees into downloading a malicious app that can empty their bank accounts.
– Hackers may gain access to sensitive user data and pave the way for potential financial fraud.
– Prime Minister Narendra Modi has urged people not to visit the Ram Mandir on January 22 and instead light a diya at their homes to stay safe and vigilant during this significant event.


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